Saturday, January 20, 2007

Great tool to ping for fast SEO results,

This is a really cool little tool to get the search engines looking at your globalwarming awareness2007 blog faster, i found it at another contestants page, it sends them out looking for you apparently?

Im doing really well with my non key worded domain
for the globalwarming awareness2007 seo world championship.
im actually in 7th on yahoo, and moving up on Google, (42) I hope this tool gets me into msn, then look out world,,

the returns for the global warming contest are off the show,, 12000 the first day, 120000 the second, they will have a million pages back linking to by the end of the month i bet,

I started my 2 real entries gloabl warming entries today, plus 2 blogger blogs,

there both online now, and i will optimize them better than ive ever optimized a site, so they both get a top 10 place,,, hopefully,,, i really want MSN to have a look at them, there really cool work,, anyway, back to this new tool,,

the url is

i will let you all in on the results as soon as they come through,,

have a great day and try and help save the planet,
by telling all your friends about globalwarming awareness2007.


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