Wednesday, January 17, 2007


the Official SEO World Championship has started,
The Key phrase " globalwarming awareness2007" is a fantastic idea,
it will hopefully encourage people to become more informed about climate change,

My own part of the world "Tasmania" has the cleanest air in the world, so you can benchmark yourself on my state,

But even here, we have the Ozone hole to contend with,, we had uv 13 last week, its off the charts, and very dangerous, and its not even high summer yet..
so yes,, even i feel climate change, we are Hydro and Wind powered and a green state, and our climate problem here is a direct result of everyone Else's pollution,, Thanks,

on a lighter note,, we can change the world with global initiatives like globalwarming awareness2007. And the problem isn't about little people like you and me, its the big guys that shit in our backyards,
like water, 83% of all freshwater in the US is used by agriculture. 11% by industry, the rest by us, little people/domestic.. . so when a city saves say 30% its only water,, there really only pissing in the wind. get industry to change, or start your own industry and out compete them out of business, don't even talk to your government,, there a waste of space, honestly,, have they done anything yet?

anyway, I'm getting off track,, globalwarming in changing the face of the earth, and we need to be aware of it and adapt to new threats and hold onto what we can, and with fantastic support from webmasters around the world, we can make people aware faster than any media press release or any gov initiative