I Have changed course,,, yes, its true, ,,,Ive changed,,
I started out on the internet by making a few
and guess what? i sell more websites, 2 now,, than anything else,'
but I am,,,,SO,,,,,,,,,,,= much better at SEO i cant believe it,,,
and I haven't had a single client yet,,, so if your interested?
every site i have online, is in the top 10 one at least one search engine
one is going to win directorycontest.com/ ,just for fun
I am = Really,, REALLY.. good at it, its a great feeling, i have 16 domains and 9 sites and just started a few more
okay this one is 4 months old,, but its like a baby to me,,
www.freecomputerscripts.com = 30000 +links in, No content at all, "Nothing"., and ranks for words that arnt even on the site.. for sale, AU$1500. will rank PR5-6 one day, at a guess,, even ranks higher than hotscripts.com in a few search phrases and i can always change words to suit, and all with ethical SEo
www.Australianhorse.org = Australia's largest Horse site network + plus every Australian State .org covered
and my original(Now sold) site
all interconnected, very massive site, (coming soon)
www.youmobi.mobi = Mobile Mobi g3 Phone Site = cool site,,,, rude? just a biT..
www.philski.com = Tasmanian seo = And Tasmania's Cheap website Host. yeah..
in 2 weeks, top ten "Google"
"philski, Tasmanian hosting, Tasmanian seo, philski.com" ,eta
all my target words,, cool huh
and the big one,,,,,,
i got the domain last night, And I'm still waiting for it to pop.
I want it to rank at no 4 or so, ie: when anyone looks for any these words, or a combination of them, i want to be there, and cheaper that any of the competition as well, that's what i want.
Its a hard task, and, in a truly massive market for a sweet little new domain like mine,
But after looking at the top 10, I have better seo skills than "any" of them,,, already, I think i will rank exactly where i want to,
i started the project to see how high i could get in ser's and open up a big challenge to myself
They say not to try for massive targets, or Take on a big market single handily so to speak, But im about to try..
the search word Volume for each singe word is HUGE , every single one, near or above 2 million a month,
so say, 0.01 % of that, is 20,000 potential customers, a month,,, just if i get into the Top 80 or so
perhaps 4-5% if in the top 8.
Lots is higher,,
Im not sure about exact search position results either, i don't normally click a No:1 Return, unless it looks perfect, or its the site im really after, and not just searching. i dont expect no2 or 3 to be, knock my socks off sites,, i guess? and i am more inclined to hit them, than No:1 , they may also be cheaper in my mind as well,
My new sites, I have 16 now, after 4 months of making a living on here, i am trying to treat it like a business, and reinvesting in new stock, better service, better pricing, etc
Google just changed there search result algo, again too, and its a fantastic change,
It will eliminate Mr Google bombers. unless they want to change there character, somewhat
Go Google,,